♥ The consumers such as insects, birds, squirrels and monkeys reproduce very well and are large in numbers. It is because there is sufficient water supply, suitable temparature and stable environment.
♥There are areas of rainforests where plants are densely packed. Areas where sunlight can reach the surface are full of interesting plants. In other areas a canapy, made from the branches and leaves of tall trees, shades the ground below, preventing smaller plants from growing.
♥Rainforests get their name because they receive a lot of rain - an average of 80 inches (203 cm) a year! Rainforests are found at and near the equator, where it is always warm and muggy. The temperature doesn't change very much during the year.
♥The famous Amazon jungle is located in Brazil, in South America. This particular forest is called the Neotropics. Other large blocks are located in Central and West Africa.
△ Rainforest vegetation on the Caribbean island of Dominica.
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